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Crisis resolution and (Flexible) Assertive Community Treatment
Prof. C.L. Mulder
President of the EAOF (NLD)
Irene van de Giessen
Recovery-coach and director of the foundation of Recovery talent (NLD)
How can systems learn from each other? The role of data and research
Prof. Stefan Priebe
Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of London (UK)
Key psychosocial interventions in assertive early intervention services
Prof. Philippe Conus
Department of Psychiatry, University of Lausanne (CHE)
ACT: what can we learn from the UK experience?
Prof. Helen Killaspy
Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Psychiatry, University College London and Camden & Islington NHS Foundation Trust, London (UK)
Crisis Interventions and Assertive Outreach Models: What have we achieved
Dr. René Keet
Medical director of the community mental health service GGZ-Noord-Holland-Noord (NLD)
On the Way to Mental Health Centers in Germany: Projects, Obstacles, and Perspectives
Nils Greve
Dachverband Gemeindepsychiatrie e.V. (Community Psychiatric Organization) (GER)
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Outpatient Care for difficult to engage severely mentally ill patients in Europe
The effectiveness of Assertive Outreach in Europe
Does Assertive Outreach reduce hospital beds?
Implementation of Assertive outreach in Europe
FACT – Flexible Assertive Community Treatment
Can or should AO be implemented in all European Countries, and should we choose one model?.
Cheri Sixbey
Assertive Community Treatment Association (ACTA), USA
Implementation of Assertive Community Treatment Teams in Norway
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Joel Sadavoy M.D.
F.R.C.P. (C) University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana
Professor and Sam and Judy Pencer and Family Chair in Applied General Psychiatry, University of Toronto Head, Community Mental Health Program, President, International Psychogeriatric Association
Maria Monroe-DeVita
Ph.D., University of Washington Seattle, USA
Greg Teague, Ph.D.
University of South Florida, USA
Urban Markström
Umeå University, Sweden
Magnus Bergmark
Umeå University, Sweden
Ulrika Bejerholm
Lund University, Sweden
Dr Jen Perry
FMLM Clinical Fellow RCPsych and St Andrews Healthcare. ST4 General Adult Psychiatry SLAM, UK