Crossing Borders
1st European Congress on Assertive Outreach
The aim of the congress is to stimulate a European-wide dialogue about the development of evidence-based models of Assertive Outreach (AO). AO interventions target severely mentally ill (SMO patients in the community, and can be carried out by various multidisciplinary services. Not all European countries have Assertive Outreach programmes. In addition, existing programmes can vary widely, particularly with regard to organisational models, patient groups, client participation and research findings. In some European countries AO is widely implemented, a few countries are about to implement AO, and in many other countries there is no AO available.
Implementing Community Mental Healthcare: Make it Happen!
6th European Conference on Integrated Care and Assertive Outreach
Dear EAOF Friends,
Thanks many of you for coming to Leuven and making the conference a great success. We had so many visitors (500+), interesting plenary speakers, symposia, workshops, and posters! Plus great site-visits in Leuven and Antwerp and of course a vibrant party. Lots of participants told us they got to know many new colleagues, and were inspired with new ideas.
Hope to see you all in Copenhagen, June 23 – 25, 2025 (monday-afternoon, tuesday, and wednesday morning; with site-visits on monday morning).
On behalf of the board of the EAOF,
Prof.dr. C.L. Mulder, chair EAOF
Shaping the future of community mental health care
5th European Conference on Integrated Care and Assertive Outreach
We want to prevent mental illness and provide integrated (medical and social) care for people with severe mental illness, facilitating the recovery process. This can be done by providing mental health care in the community.
Deinstitutionalization led to a decrease in psychiatric hospital beds during the last decades, and better outpatient care in many countries. New treatments became available, such as modern psychological treatments, digital psychiatry, new recovery oriented approaches and the introduction of peer-experts. Prevention of mental Illness in the community, especially for younger people, is done is some area’s but by far not everywhere.
Reaching out together
3rd European Congress on Assertive Outreach
Assertive outreach is done by teams or services to reach persons with severe mental illness who are not themselves able to seek help or need intensivation of treatment and care to prevent crisis or admission. The aim is to support the person in fulfilling their goals, coping with the illness and achieving recovery and a meaningful life in the community. The person and his network are the key collaborators for the services.
The aim of the Third European Congress on Assertive Outreach is to let us all share how we may be REACHING OUT TOGETHER to fulfill these goals, and to inspire us to continue developing assertive ways of working towards recovery.
Learning from each other
4th European Congress on Assertive Outreach
Integrated Care and Assertive outreach is done by programs or services to reach persons with severe and enduring mental illness who are sometimes not themselves able to seek support and help. The aim is to support the person in fulfilling their goals, coping with the illness and achieving a meaningful and good life in the community. The person and his network are the key collaborators for the services.
The main theme of the Fourth European Congress on Integrated Care and Assertive Outreach
is learning from each other…
Improving Integration
2nd European Congress on Assertive Outreach
Assertive outreach is done by teams or services to reach persons with severe mental illness who are not themselves able to seek help or need intensivation of treatment and care to prevent crisis or admission. The aim is to support the person in fulfilling their goals, coping with the illness and achieving recovery and a meaningful life in the community. The person and his network are the key collaborators for the services.
The aim of the Third European Congress on Assertive Outreach is to let us all share how we may be REACHING OUT TOGETHER to fulfill these goals, and to inspire us to continue developing assertive ways of working towards recovery. The congress is also the 12th Conference of The Nordic Clinical Case Management Network and the 2015 Conference of the Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Concurrent Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders in collaboration with other Scandinavian dual diagnosis networks.
Future of community mental health in Europe: dreams and practice
Replay of Free Webinar
Dear colleagues,
We cordially invite you to participate in the free webinar on Friday October 1, 14.00 – 16.00 hours, organized by the European Assertive Outreach Foundation (EAOF), about the ´´Future of community mental health care in Europe: dreams and practice´´. This webinar is organized to celibrate 10 years EAOF. During this webinar you will see short movies made by professionals from Spain, Norway, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and Young EAOF about developments in community mental health care for patients with severe mental ilnness, and what dreams they have for the future. We will show these short movies and discuss the implications for our practice.
Hope to see you in Leuven in 2023!
Board of EAOF,
Margret Overdijk
Marijke van Putten
Jan Berndsen
Niels Mulder