René Keet

Advisor of the Board
René Keet is practicing psychiatrist and director at the community mental health service GGZ-Noord-Holland-Noord, The Netherlands. He leads the FIT Academy (Flexible, Innovative Top-ambulatory, that provides training, e- learning, service evaluation and support to international reform projects of community mental health care. He is chair of the European Community Mental Health Services network (EUCOMS, The aim of this network is to learn from each other in international exchange and support human rights in mental health care. It is a network of practice, based upon a shared vision on community mental health. This vision is described in the consensus document that you can download from the website: He describes the 6 principles in 15 minutes in He is an international expert in mental health reform projects MENSANA in Moldova ( and other projects, mainly in Central and Eastern Europe. He is a member of the Council Clinical Leaders of the International Initiative Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL)

René Keet